How do you do relative time in Rails?

Solution 1:

Sounds like you're looking for the time_ago_in_words method (or distance_of_time_in_words), from ActiveSupport. Call it like this:

<%= time_ago_in_words(timestamp) %>

Solution 2:

I've written this, but have to check the existing methods mentioned to see if they are better.

module PrettyDate
  def to_pretty
    a = (

    case a
      when 0 then 'just now'
      when 1 then 'a second ago'
      when 2..59 then a.to_s+' seconds ago' 
      when 60..119 then 'a minute ago' #120 = 2 minutes
      when 120..3540 then (a/60).to_i.to_s+' minutes ago'
      when 3541..7100 then 'an hour ago' # 3600 = 1 hour
      when 7101..82800 then ((a+99)/3600).to_i.to_s+' hours ago' 
      when 82801..172000 then 'a day ago' # 86400 = 1 day
      when 172001..518400 then ((a+800)/(60*60*24)).to_i.to_s+' days ago'
      when 518400..1036800 then 'a week ago'
      else ((a+180000)/(60*60*24*7)).to_i.to_s+' weeks ago'

Time.send :include, PrettyDate

Solution 3:

Just to clarify Andrew Marshall's solution for using time_ago_in_words
(For Rails 3.0 and Rails 4.0)

If you are in a view

<%= time_ago_in_words( - 1) %>

If you are in a controller

include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper
def index
  @sexy_date = time_ago_in_words( - 1)

Controllers do not have the module ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper imported by default.

N.B. It is not "the rails way" to import helpers into your controllers. Helpers are for helping views. The time_ago_in_words method was decided to be a view entity in the MVC triad. (I don't agree but when in rome...)