Unit testing with singletons

I have prepared some automatic tests with the Visual Studio Team Edition testing framework. I want one of the tests to connect to the database following the normal way it is done in the program:

string r_providerName = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["main_db"].ProviderName;

But I am receiving an exception in this line. I suppose this is happening because the ConfigurationManager is a singleton. How can you work around the singleton problem with unit tests?

Thanks for the replies. All of them have been very instructive.

Solution 1:

Have a look at the Google Testing blog:

  • Using dependency injection to avoid singletons
  • Singletons are Pathological Liars
  • Root Cause of Singletons
  • Where have all the Singletons Gone?
  • Clean Code Talks - Global State and Singletons
  • Dependency Injection.

And also:

  • Once Is Not Enough
  • Performant Singletons

Finally, Misko Hevery wrote a guide on his blog: Writing Testable Code.

Solution 2:

You can use constructor dependency injection. Example:

public class SingletonDependedClass
    private string _ProviderName;

    public SingletonDependedClass()
        : this(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["main_db"].ProviderName)

    public SingletonDependedClass(string providerName)
        _ProviderName = providerName;

That allows you to pass connection string directly to object during testing.

Also if you use Visual Studio Team Edition testing framework you can make constructor with parameter private and test the class through the accessor.

Actually I solve that kind of problems with mocking. Example:

You have a class which depends on singleton:

public class Singleton
    public virtual string SomeProperty { get; set; }

    private static Singleton _Instance;
    public static Singleton Insatnce
            if (_Instance == null)
                _Instance = new Singleton();

            return _Instance;

    protected Singleton()

public class SingletonDependedClass
    public void SomeMethod()
        string str = Singleton.Insatnce.SomeProperty;

First of all SingletonDependedClass needs to be refactored to take Singleton instance as constructor parameter:

public class SingletonDependedClass
    private Singleton _SingletonInstance;

    public SingletonDependedClass()
        : this(Singleton.Insatnce)

    private SingletonDependedClass(Singleton singletonInstance)
        _SingletonInstance = singletonInstance;

    public void SomeMethod()
        string str = _SingletonInstance.SomeProperty;

Test of SingletonDependedClass (Moq mocking library is used):

public void SomeMethodTest()
    var singletonMock = new Mock<Singleton>();
    singletonMock.Setup(s => s.SomeProperty).Returns("some test data");
    var target = new SingletonDependedClass_Accessor(singletonMock.Object);

Solution 3:

Example from Book: Working Effectively with Legacy Code

Also given same answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/28613595/929902

To run code containing singletons in a test harness, we have to relax the singleton property. Here’s how we do it. The first step is to add a new static method to the singleton class. The method allows us to replace the static instance in the singleton. We’ll call it setTestingInstance.

public class PermitRepository
    private static PermitRepository instance = null;
    private PermitRepository() {}
    public static void setTestingInstance(PermitRepository newInstance)
        instance = newInstance;
    public static PermitRepository getInstance()
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = new PermitRepository();
        return instance;
    public Permit findAssociatedPermit(PermitNotice notice) {

Now that we have that setter, we can create a testing instance of a PermitRepository and set it. We’d like to write code like this in our test setup:

public void setUp() {
    PermitRepository repository = PermitRepository.getInstance();
    // add permits to the repository here