Answering a phone call with "Yes, XX, tell me" [closed]

Codename, there's no "right way" to answer a telephone call. It's something regional and cultural. With so many English speaking countries in the world, a list would include some phrases that are standard and universal, some that are used in business calls, and a lot of regionalisms.

"hello" is standard and will be understood anywhere.

In a professional environment you want to sound formal and should add some information like:

"Spencer & Taylor, good-morning. How can I help you?"


"Thank you for calling Spencer and Taylor. Can I help you?"

In your domestic environment it all depends on how you want to sound (formal/informal, educated/natural/original/ like a teen-ager/like a clown, etc.) My younger brother used to answer the phone at home with "Jimmy speaking". To read more about what to say during phone calls, take a look at the English Club's guide on telephone language.

I think it also depends on what kind of professional setting you're in. If you are working at a store, and you're the receptionist or similar and answering calls from customers, then @centaurus is correct. However, if you just work in an office and are answering calls from coworkers, a simple "This is Nicole" or "Hello, Nicole speaking" will suffice as well.