Find document files and copy them to another directory

This is a bit of a basic question but I'm trying to copy all .doc files I find in a directory and copy them to another directory.

I know each command:

find -name '*.doc' .


cp filename location 

How can I combine the two commands?

Solution 1:

find /path/to/search -name "*.doc" -exec cp {} /path/to/copy/to \;

If there are a lot of .doc files this is your best option to avoid hitting the character limit.

Solution 2:

Another possibility:

find /path/to/search -name \*.doc -print0 | xargs -0 cp --target-directory=/destination/path

This cuts down on the number of invocations of the copy command when compared to find -exec (should be noticeably faster if you have a huge number of files)