I never want the phone to go to the " lower power mode" even if the phone battery drops to 10 % .

I entered low power mode on my iDevice and the battery level indicator turned yellow. Now I've plugged it in and it's up past 23% and the battery is still yellow. Does that mean I'm in Low Power Mode still? How do I get out of Low Power Mode? Update: It's at 55% and it's still yellow.

Also, let's say I enter Low Power Mode accidentally, it pops up that alert dialog awfully fast sometimes. If I entered low power mode on accident but don't want to be in it how do I exit out of it then?

Solution 1:

Go to Settings -> Battery -> Disable Low Power Mode

Low Power Mode will also turn off automatically once your device has been charged up to 80%.

Solution 2:

You can also use Siri to turn Low Power Mode on and off.