Is there an equivalent to ⌘ + D in the new save dialogs?

In Snow Leopard and prior, when clsoing a window with unsaved changes, the system would suggest to either save, cancel or discard the changes from keyboard shortcuts. You could:

  • save return
  • cancel +.
  • discard the changes +D.

The Lion save dialog that gets summoned instead of the "Would you like to save?" dialog works differently:

+. and return still work1, but +D has no effect.

Is there a new keyboard shortcut to discard?

1. I'm not in front of my Mac right now; IIRC they work, but maybe I'm wrong.

Solution 1:


Pressing Command-Delete (or perhaps more commonly known as backspace) also does the same trick.

That's all there is to it!

Solution 2:

In, you can change this back to the old behaviour using

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSSavePanelStandardDesktopShortcutOnly -bool YES

To revert to the default behaviour, set

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSSavePanelStandardDesktopShortcutOnly -bool NO