How to Setup Perfmon to Automaticaly Start an "Alert" At System Startup?

I have an "Alert" setup in perfmon, but it gives me only two options to start it:

  1. Manualy
  2. At an specified time (schedule)


How to Setup Perfmon to Automaticaly Start an "Alert" At System Startup?

I know I can type "logman start {alert-name}" to start the alert, but how to run this command automaticaly at system startup?

One solution is to create a .bat with this command and leave it at "Startup" folder. But, it would require to logon to trigger this .bat.

So... what are the alternatives?

Solution 1:

You can create a "Scheduled Task" to run on system startup. Have a look at "Schedule" properties of a task and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Solution 2:

Try a computer startup script: Start | Run | gpedit.msc | Computer Configuration | Windows Settings | Scripts (Startup/Shutdown).

Solution 3:

There's a better way if you're on Windows Server 2008. You can use Task Scheduler to run a data collector set at startup without having to use batch files: