Word to describe protocols which avoid infection/contamination [closed]

I used to know a word which has now evaporated from my brain and I hope this community can return it to me. The word is used in medical or forensic contexts and describes practices which ensure that diseases are not spread, that samples of infected tissue do not release their pathogens, that proper hygiene is observed or (in the context of forensics) that evidence is not contaminated in a way that would invalidate it.

"Hygiene" is not the word I am looking for. Hygiene is only one aspect of it.

I want to retrieve the word because I work in Software Engineering and often have to advise on security issues or best practice, where I believe this term would be useful.

Solution 1:

One specific procedure used often in medical and police dramas is quarantine (aka isolation).

More generally, an adverb to describe such procedures as a class is sanitary (or sanitation).

Solution 2:

Are you thinking of containment or biocontainment?

So that evidence does not become tainted, there are strict chain-of-custody protocols.