Microsoft Word is adding extra space between words as I type

Solution 1:

That's not an issue to fix :-)

You can align the text four ways:

  1. align left -> all lines start at equal distance from the left marginal; distance to right marginal varies
  2. align right -> all lines end at equal distance from the right marginal; distance to left marginal varies
  3. align center -> the center of all lines stays at the center of the page; distance to both marginals varies
  4. Justify -> distance to both marginals stays the same

And you've chosen justify. Because the words are not equal length, the way to justify a text is to adjust the space between the words - spacing on a single line is kept equal, tho. If the line contains too many characters it will start to get too tight, so Word will drop words to the line below.

To "fix" it you can choose to align right. If you want to keep the nice, justified look, you need to allow Word to adjust the spacing. Alternatively you can choose to hyphenate the text - that will make the spacing across lines more equal; but not exactly. Hyphenation will also make the other alignment options more justified.

Text alignment is chosen with the four buttons on the toolbar just above the word "Paragraph".