Dual boot Ubuntu doesn't boot with error "cannot find TOCBLOCK, database maybe corrupt."

At the "recovering journal" error, hit the Enter key to enter maintenance mode, then at the # prompt, type:

journalctl -xb

review the text, and try to identify when/where an error occurred. Take a picture of anything that looks suspect to you, and edit it into your question, if you need more help. Then type:

fsck -f /dev/sda5

to check your file system.

If for some reason you can't do the fsck at the # prompt, you'll have to do it this way...

  • boot to the GRUB menu
  • choose Advanced Options
  • choose Recovery mode
  • choose Root access
  • at the # prompt, type sudo fsck -f /dev/sda5
  • repeat the fsck command if there were errors
  • type reboot

Update #1

  • boot to the GRUB menu
  • choose Advanced Options
  • choose Recovery mode
  • choose Root access
  • at the # prompt, type:
    • sudo mount -o rw,remount /
    • sudo pico /etc/fstab
    • use arrow keys to move cursor
    • use control-o and then Enter to save file
    • use control-x to exit pico
    • comment out the lines that contain "Storage" and "Locker" by placing a # in front of the UUID at the beginning of those two lines (ie: #UUID=)
    • save file and quit pico
    • reboot