What is someone called who makes and sells sandwiches?

Solution 1:

A person who makes sandwiches is a sandwich maker.

A person who sells sandwiches is a sandwich vendor.

A person who buys sandwiches is a sandwich buyer.

A person who loves sandwiches is a sandwich lover.

A person who eats sandwiches is no longer hungry.

Solution 2:

I'm tempted to suggest sandwich-maker, the only problem with this term is that some might think of the electrical device used for toasting filled sandwiches

images of George Forman Grill, pannini presses and other appliances to toast/modify sandwiches.

However, in context, its meaning would be unequivocal.

  • Doug worked as a sandwich-maker until the day before he was fired.
  • It is said that the sandwich-maker was occupied two hours in cutting and arranging the sandwiches for the day's consumption.

  • Who Makes The Most Delicious Sandwiches - A Professional Sandwich-Maker Or 300 Sandwiches' Stephanie Smith?

EDIT/UPDATE: From today's Daily Mail (Nov 10 2014), one of Britains best selling tabloid newspapers, has the following dramatic headline

1. Is There No One Left in Britain Who Can Make a Sandwich?

The UK’s biggest sandwich maker wants to recruit hundreds of workers from Eastern Europe because no Britons will do the job. Bosses from Greencore Group are flying to Hungary today in search of staff for its new factory. ....
Allyson Russell, Greencore’s human resources director, said the company had tried to recruit in the UK, but that it was ‘not always the kind of work’ which people wanted to do

And from the website World Bakers.com the same sandwich maker company is nominated in the article

2. Sandwich maker teams up with biscuit firm

Northern Foods has unveiled plans to merge with the biggest sandwich maker in the UK, creating a group with annual sales of £1.7 billion. Northern Foods, makers of Fox's biscuits, hopes to complete the tie-up with Irish chilled foods firm Greencore by the end of June.

All of which suggests that the term sandwich maker not only applies to the worker/s who make/s the sandwiches but also to the company or store/sandwich bar that makes and sells them. Something which I should have mentioned as soon as I realized that the OP was looking for one term which covered both bases.

Well as they say, the proof is in the eating...

Solution 3:

The fast food chain Subway calls their employees "sandwich artists," though I think it's somewhat tongue-in-cheek since the sandwiches they sell are pretty unexceptional.

I have never heard the term "sandwich bar." At least in the US, a common name for a shop that sells sandwiches is "delicatessen," which is very often shortened to "deli."

As for what to call someone who works at a deli, I would use "deli worker" or the gender-specific (and very casual) "deli guy" and "deli lady."

Solution 4:

"Short-order cook" might work if anything else besides sandwiches is prepared there. If not, then "sandwich-maker" as proposed by Mari-Lou A might be best.

Example of use: "The short order cook prepared a sandwich for the irate customer in two minutes flat."

http://www.wisegeek.org/what-is-a-short-order-cook.htm (this description of the job has a sandwich as a example)
