Politically correct term for someone who is Internet challenged?

Possibilities include:

  • She lives most of her life offline, only checking email once a month.
  • He isn't on the grid, so the cell is the main way to contact.
  • A proud Luddite when it comes to the Net, he doesn't own a computer and only surfs via the library.

With all due respect, "internet-challenged" is probably as benign as it's going to get.

Most people would say "computer illiterate" as a softer way of saying NOOB but I am so tired of that expression so I voted up Chris' answer.

You may also say in a more general sense:

He/she is not a very technical person.

I have heard this used and I think it's specific enough to get the point across, but vague enough that it's not finger-pointing at a persons' deficiencies. It's not specific to the Internet, but these days enough people consider computers and the Internet synonymously that it's still effective.