Do Robo Monkeys do more damage than Sun Gods?

Disregarding the Robo Monkey's ability upgrade, does it do more raw damage than Sun God monkeys?

It's a bit hard to compute, but I'll try my best.

According to multiple sources, a single sun ray from the Sun God will pop 15 balloons. The Sun God fires 3 streams total.

The Robo Monkey can pop a total of 7 balloons per shot, and shoots twice at the same time.

However, the sunrays diverge somewhat and have a tougher time hitting individual MOAB-class balloons. They also fire at half the rate of the Robo Monkey's streams.

The Sun God's streams do pierce, however, making them better at clearing out large swaths of balloons at once.

There's a lot of back and forth there, but I'd say the real advantage of the Sun God that makes me pick it almost every time over the Robo Monkey is the ability to turn it into a temple, which makes it obscenely powerful and leaves room for more towers to be placed.

I think sun god because it has a bigger damage, shoots three sun rays and you can turn into a temple you can't stop that.

I'd rather do sun avatar because the next upgrade is OP.

A sun temple is better than 2 sun avatars. It has two airplanes surrounding the temple.

Splash: Yes, Camo: Haven't tried yet but use the monkey village, Single Target: Yep, Fire Rate: Faster than a fortnight SMG