How can I clear an item with a custom name? [duplicate]
I've read all the same questions already but mine is in Bedrock, not Java, so.
I need a command to clear one item custom named from my inventory. I've already tried clear @p [type=light_block] 1
and kill @e [type=item, name="$100"] 1
but it doesn't work. I'm using Minecraft PE Bedrock 1.16.201
Solution 1:
You can do items with a certain ID or data. For example, clear a yellow concrete block:
/clear @p concrete 4
If you have a certain block from an addon, you can still use it in the clear command:
/clear @p myprefix:light_block
Another thing you can do is give the player a normally unobtainable item, such as a top smooth stone slab:
/clear @p stone_slab 8
Or something that you wouldn’t normally use in game like a clock:
/clear @p clock
Using names for clearing isn’t possible.