Ruby: Rounding float in Ruby

Solution 1:

Pass an argument to round containing the number of decimal places to round to

>> 2.3465.round
=> 2
>> 2.3465.round(2)
=> 2.35
>> 2.3465.round(3)
=> 2.347

Solution 2:

When displaying, you can use (for example)

>> '%.2f' % 2.3465
=> "2.35"

If you want to store it rounded, you can use

>> (2.3465*100).round / 100.0
=> 2.35

Solution 3:

you can use this for rounding to a precison..

//to_f is for float

salary= 2921.9121
puts salary.to_f.round(2) // to 2 decimal place                   

puts salary.to_f.round() // to 3 decimal place