Can the shopping lens be changed to display results from

How can I configure the dash's shopping lens to fetch its search results from instead of

Is there any program for controlling the lenses or another settings under Unity for customizing them?

Solution 1:

sudo nano /usr/share/applications/ubuntu-amazon-default.desktop

change to read

[Desktop Entry]
#Exec=unity-webapps-runner --amazon
Exec=unity-webapps-runner -d

is a basic workaround for the moment.

Solution 2:

It seems there's no such option via the GUI at the moment (see Tim Booth's suggested solution for a workaround using the terminal), tho the dash and its lenses is a work in progress, and a settings panel is to be integrated in the next releases.

From Mark Shuttleworth's original blog post on the shopping lens (which is shaped in the form of a Q&A page):

I want to control this in the settings!

[...] designs and work are under way to make that possible. That should land in 12.10 too, or as an update, or in 13.04.

You can get a peek preview of things to come with this mock design, as suggested (and mocked) by Sam Hewitt:

enter image description here

Solution 3:

The suggestion from Tim Booth help me to try with the commands, based in his solution I tried with the follow Line:

    Exec=unity-webapps-runner -h -i NULL

I am connecting with the site in Germany, -h is for homepage and -i for the App ID. At the moment works fine.