How to Make Ubuntu look like Windows Vista?

Well for Starters, I do know that this sounds weird to want it to look like vista and not windows 7, but I just don't like how win7 looks, that's just me, you can not change me.

I have searched on Google quite a bit looking for this, nothing shows me to make 12.04 look like vista, just win7.

So if you could help me, thanks!

To make Ubuntu 12.04 look like Windows Vista would take a bunch of time and effort, and you might break your system doing all those changes. As an alternative you can install Kubuntu that is the KDE (Desktop Environment) specifically modified for Ubuntu, it looks a little like Windows.

enter image description here

To install Kubuntu (KDE + Ubuntu) type the following command at the Terminal:

$ sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop

If you prefer a graphical interface to install it you can use Synaptic.

But the recommended way to do that is downloading the Kubuntu ISO. it's like downloading Ubuntu, but instead of using the Unity shell interface it will comes with KDE installed by default. To download the ISO file access to get more information about it.

Getting Started:

  • Re-theme to Windows 7 as per this AU Answer:
  • Complete the Vista transformation: Use this link and google translator