How to have `ll` command not display hidden files

When I type ll or ls to list the contents of a directory...

The ls command shows un-hidden files and folders in a horizontal view.
To show the hidden folders, I have to type ls -a. I like how this works.

The ll command shows all files and folders, including hidden ones without needing to add -a.

I would like ll to list only unhidden files and folders by default. And if I want to show the hidden ones, I'd like to have to type ll -a. How can I set this up?

Solution 1:

Open the file .bashrc in your home directory. The should be an entry which looks like:

alias ll='ls -la'

Remove the last a, save the file and open a new shell. Now ll should work as want you. If you do not find the line, you can add it to your .bashrc:

alias ll='ls -l'

Solution 2:

Technically ll is not a command on its own but an alias setup for slightly longer commands; by default it is set to ls -l.

For instance on your case, you can set ll to ls -l with

alias ll='ls -l'

to your .bashrc file.

You can also use alias to add some time-saving commands. For instance, if you often update from the terminal you can assign a shortcut string to the command apt-get update and apt-get upgrade with:

alias up='apt-get update && apt-get upgrade'

Now you can just type up to save time.