Python: Proper way to store list of strings in sqlite3 or mysql

Use a proper serialization mechanism such as JSON, and store it in a text field.

>>> json.dumps(['please','help','me'])
'["please", "help", "me"]'
>>> json.loads('["please", "help", "me"]')
[u'please', u'help', u'me']

Is there a specific amount of items in the list?

If there is, try using a for loop to insert every item into its own column.

Also you could try joining the list together and when retrieving it splitting the string like this:

list = ['Hope','this','helps']

After loading:

list = result.split('|')

To add to Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams's answer, here's the complete walkthrough for storing a list or a list of list into Sqlite DB.

>>> # Create dataframe
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'Doc:': ["A", "B", "C"],
>>>                   'Doc_Pages': [31, 20, 45],
>>>                   'Data': [["A B C", "D E F"], ["G H I", "J K L"], ["M N O", "P Q R"]]
>>>                   })

>>> print(df)
Doc   Doc_Pages      Data
A       31       ["A B C", "D E F"]
B       20       ["G H I", "J K L"]
C       45       ["M N O", "P Q R"]

>>> # Create DB
>>> import sqlite3
>>> conn = sqlite3.connect('db.sqlite')
>>> cur = conn.cursor()

>>> # Store df into DB
>>> df.Data = df.Data.apply(lambda x: json.dumps(x))
>>> df.to_sql(name='Extracted_Data', con=conn, if_exists='replace')

>>> # Load df from DB
>>> df_new = pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM TableName', con=conn)
>>> df_new.Data = df_new.Data.apply(lambda x: json.loads(x))

>>> print(df_new)
Doc   Doc_Pages      Data
A       31       ["A B C", "D E F"]
B       20       ["G H I", "J K L"]
C       45       ["M N O", "P Q R"]