Laravel - Check if @yield empty or not

Is it possible to check into a blade view if @yield have content or not?

I am trying to assign the page titles in the views:

@section("title", "hi world")

So I would like to check in the main layout view... something like:

<title> {{ @yield('title') ? ' - '.@yield('title') : '' }} </title>

Solution 1:

For those looking on it now (2018+), you can use :


See :

Solution 2:

In Laravel 5 we now have a hasSection method we can call on a View facade.

You can use View::hasSection to check if @yeild is empty or not:

        Static Website Title Here

This conditional is checking if a section with the name of title was set in our view.


Tip: I see a lot of new artisans set up their title sections like this:

Your Title Here

but you can simplify this by just passing in a default value as the second argument:

@section('title', 'Your Title Here')


The hasSectionmethod was added April 15, 2015.

Solution 3:

There is probably a prettier way to do this. But this does the trick.

@if (trim($__env->yieldContent('title')))