Get rid of ugly if statements

I have this ugly code:

if ( v > 10 ) size = 6;
if ( v > 22 ) size = 5;
if ( v > 51 ) size = 4;
if ( v > 68 ) size = 3;
if ( v > 117 ) size = 2;
if ( v > 145 ) size = 1;
return size;

How can I get rid of the multiple if statements?

Solution 1:

How about such approach:

int getSize(int v) {
    int[] thresholds = {145, 117, 68, 51, 22, 10};

    for (int i = 0; i < thresholds.length; i++) {
        if (v > thresholds[i]) return i+1;
    return 1;

Functionally: (Demonstrated in Scala)

def getSize(v: Int): Int = {
  val thresholds = Vector(145, 117, 68, 51, 22, 10)
  thresholds.zipWithIndex.find(v > _._1).map(_._2).getOrElse(0) + 1

Solution 2:

Using the NavigableMap API :

NavigableMap<Integer, Integer> s = new TreeMap<Integer, Integer>();
s.put(10, 6);
s.put(22, 5);
s.put(51, 4);
s.put(68, 3);
s.put(117, 2);
s.put(145, 1);

return s.lowerEntry(v).getValue();