Card Rarity Ratios between Expert and Goblins Versus Gnomes Packs
I just asked about the difference in totals of collectible cards between Expert packs and Goblins Versus Gnomes packs: Card Counts for Expert and Goblins Versus Gnomes Packs
So clearly Expert Packs are drawing from a larger pool. But I'd like to ask a couple follow up questions:
What is the ratio of legendary/epic/rare/common of the collectible Expert set compared to the collectible Goblins Versus Gnomes set.
When opening a pack are the chances to draw a specific rarity adjusted to accommodate the difference in ratio.
In other words, do I have a better chance of getting a legendary when opening an Expert pack, a Goblins Versus Gnomes pack, or are my chances the exact same?
Solution 1:
Blizzard has stated that the probability of opening a card of a specific rarity is the same in Classic and GvG boosters. That said the probability of opening a specific card in a GvG booster is higher than the chance of opening a specific card of the same rarity in a Classic booster, because there are less cards of each rarity in GvG than in Classic.
Propablities for each rarity can be found here.
Solution 2:
For part 1 of the question, the stats for the Expert Set, the Goblins Versus Gnomes Set, and the Grand Tournament Set can be found here:
The Expert Set has a total of 433 collectible cards:
- Legendary: 33 or about 8%
- Epic: 74 or about 17%
- Rare: 162 or about 37%
- Common: 164 or about 38%
The Goblins Versus Gnomes Set has a total of 218 collectible cards:
- Legendary: 20 or about 9%
- Epic: 52 or about 24%
- Rare: 74 or about 34%
- Common: 72 or about 33%
The Grand Tournament Set has a total of 232 collectible cards:
- Legendary: 20 or about 9%
- Epic: 54 or about 23%
- Rare: 72 or about 31%
- Common: 86 or about 37%
For part 2 of the question Ral Zarek's link is a great source:
Things that can be derived from this data:
- The chances of opening a card of a given rarity are identical across all sets
- The chances of opening a card identical to another card in the pack are proportionate to the number of cards of that rarity in the set
- Because the concentration of Legendaries and Epics have gone up in Goblins Versus Gnomes and the Grand Tournament Sets, a higher number of packs relative to the set card count will need to be opened to obtain all the cards in the set