VS 2012 Error on build of Hello World: "The operation could not be completed. The parameter is incorrect"

Simply turning VS off and on again removed this error for me.

I tried to solve this by deleting the *.suo files, bin and obj folder, with no success. I tried to restart VS(2015) and reload the solution. All project references were fine.

I then killed all processes related to Visual Studio.

After that I was able to rebuild the solution.

For me this happened when I removed a project from the solution that wasn't at the same path anymore. Weird, it was a greyed out project, but was still needed for the build somehow?!

I found out where it was referenced, in my .sln file I had a References entry pointing to the guid of a missing or deleted project in the solution. This would cause an error.

You can also check the properties pages of the solution, one of them gives a message about a project with the name "" that doesn't exist.

So basically, cleanup the References section in your .sln until it builds.

This happened to me in a new web project in VS 2015. I got the error when I tried to build or clean the solution. Closing down VS and deleting everything in the bin folder worked for me.