Any search tool for LXDE menu?

I just installed lxde to boot into when laptop is using battery, but I really miss at least a simple search feature, I am used to Unity so I find myself losing too much time navigating on the menus, given that the LXDE menu is just a list with a basic categorization. I would prefer to avoid creating shortcuts everywhere if possible.

Solution 1:

Forget about that, there's nothing like that for the LXDE menu, use Synapse.

Install it from the terminal: sudo apt-get install synapse

Synapse review with screenshots

The correct, fancy name for it is semantic launcher BTW :)

Other related stuff:
Zeitgeist - indexing tool used by Synapse
Gnome Do - another launcher similar to Synapse, older

Solution 2:

Kupfer provides a simple menu searcher activated from a global keyboard shortcut.

sudo apt-get install kupfer

By default you show Kupfer using the global keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Space.

A quick video review can be found here.

Solution 3:

XFCE provides an excellent app finder. You can install it with

sudo apt-get install xfce4-appfinder

Solution 4:

Lubuntu 18.10 with LXQt desktop has two search tools by default:

  • The Applications Menu

enter image description here

  • The Runner (lxqt-runner)

enter image description here

Their shortcuts are configurable, including the "Super" key; under Preferences>LXQt Settings>LXQt Configurations settings>Shortcut keys.