(virtual) split screen on Ubuntu

LG monitors come with a software that allows splitting the plane into a number of virtual screens (alas, windows and mac only).

enter image description here

I like the idea to replace a multi-monitor setup with a big beefy one. What are the options to achieve the same result in Ubuntu (or Linux in general?).

I've seen a number of suggestions but they are tedious to use in practice (e.g. using gnome's shortcut to resize each window) and/or they have significant drawbacks (like i3).

In Ubuntu 16.04

You should be able do this with CCSM (CompizConfig-Settings-Manager) in Ubuntu 16.04. Ubuntu 18.04 will be using Gnome 3 Shell instead of Unity, Wayland instead of Xorg, and Mutter instead of Compiz, which don't have an easy way to achieve a lot of the nice efficiency tweaks that Compiz brings.

  1. Install CCSM: sudo apt install compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-plugins-extra
  2. Go to the General plugin
  3. Click the Display Settings tab.
  4. Un-check the Detect Outputs check-box.
  5. Change the setting in the Outputs box to be four different areas, with offsets, that add up to the area of your extreme HD monitor. For example, 1920x1080+1920+0 would mean that "display" is 1920 wide, 1080 tall, and placed 1920 pixels to the right from the left edge, and 0 pixels down from the top.

For a 4K monitor, if you want to make it behave like four 1080p monitors, you would set it up like the screen-shot below: (Good luck in finding "display" edges with the mouse pointer!)

This was never intended to be used this way, so if you hit maximize on your window, the menu bar will be in the upper left display. If you want to keep the menu bar for the program in the current display, use the Ctrl+Alt+KeypadNumber to place the window on an edge, in a corner, or fullscreen(keypad 5) on the current display. You might also want to disable the screen edge aero-snap like options of the Grid plugin for CCSM.

enter image description here

Below is a link to another post from me, explaining how to set up the CCSM Display Settings for multiple monitors. Maybe you can find some useful, related info there also.

Multi-Monitor Issues in Ubuntu

In Ubuntu 18.04

Following https://superuser.com/questions/115076/how-to-vertically-split-widescreen-into-two-virtual-workspaces-on-ubuntu-gnome i used https://github.com/phillipberndt/fakexrandr and it worked flawlessly :)

I looked up a lot for a simple solution that allows me to easily split my ultra-wide display as a grid, and after all I found two great solutions:

  1. PyGrid was the first one. A command-line solution for X11-based desktop with Python3 installed. It's pretty easy to setup and I strongly recommend.

  2. gTile, that is a Gnome extension, able to be configured just by UI. It's even easier to be configured and allows a lot more screen divisions and shortcuts. And it is my choice by now

As far as I know you can only split your screen for two windows at a time. Either one on the left and one on the right, Or one on the top and one the bottom. And there are shortcuts associated for these actions which are:

For vertical split:

Ctrl + Win +

For horizontal split:

Ctrl + Win +

I always prefer a dual monitor (of the same size and resolution) setup to an ultra-wide monitor.

I found this extension which does something similar to what you're asking for, It's for Cinnamon but maybe you can find something like it for Ubuntu