Word for describing the situation of caring about nothing but one thing

I want to describe a situation in which someone gets interested in something/someone to such extent that he forgets other activities and normal life, and just cares and thinks about the beloved activity/person. This is the sentence in which I want to use this word:

I devoted myself to this/her/him so (the word) that ... .

One word that comes to my mind is to use the adjective form of ascetic. But I'm not sure it's the best or even a correct choice.

That is not what ascetic means. I think you mean obsessively or singlemindedly.

From Merriam-Webster Ascetic:

  1. practicing strict self-denial as a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline
  2. austere in appearance, manner, or attitude

I think immersed is the perfect word to describe being "...interested to such an extent that forgets other activities and normal life..."

The definition:

verb 2. involve oneself deeply in a particular activity or interest.

Source (Google)

Or maybe, engrossed, to a lesser extent.

verb 1. absorb all the attention or interest of.

Source (Google)

Perhaps monomania has the connotation you're looking for?

Obsessively (can be consisdered negative) Dictionary.com:

the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc.

Single-mindedly (positive) Dictionary.com

having or showing a single aim or purpose

Faithfully (positive) Dictionary.com

steady in allegiance or affection; loyal; constant

Unswervingly (positive) The Free Dictionary

  1. Not veering or turning aside
  2. Constant; steady