Place block in Minecraft with redstone?

I'd like to get ore, and place it (without command blocks) anywhere near the contraption. My question is could it be possible to do this, and if so how?

Note: it does not matter on the timing the block comes out, as long as I don't have to wait 15 minutes or so.

Minecraft with no mods and no command blocks has no way for mechanisms to place regular building blocks at all. There is no way to cause an ore block to be placed in the world.

However, dispensers can place a few specific types of blocks, all of which are somewhat special:

  • Pumpkins
  • Heads
  • Water, lava, and fire (which are technically blocks)
  • Arguably, TNT (since it appears lit, it's an entity and never spends any time as a block, so I would tend to exclude it)

Some related things that are possible, but are not actually placing blocks that were items in a chest:

  • Stone generator mechanisms using water and lava can produce a supply of cobblestone, stone, or basalt blocks one block at a time which can then be pushed where they are wanted by pistons.

  • Plants grow into spaces made available for them, and their growth can be blocked by piston movements and then accelerated by dispensers loaded with bone meal. Melon and pumpkin stems repeatably grow solid blocks, but only adjacent to themselves, and those blocks cannot be pushed (they will break instead). Tree saplings can only be activated once (since the trunk replaces the sapling), but are taller.

  • Dispensers can place boats, which are entities but (unusually) are solid enough to stand on.