How do I generate xml mappings files as part of my tests in MappingIntegrationTests

I need to manually check if the fluent mappings correlate to the mappings in the leagcy project.

Solution 1:

You can do something like:

 config.Mappings(m => 
        m.FluentMappings.ExportTo("...file path here...");
        m.HbmMappings.ExportTo("...file path here...");
        m.AutoMappings.ExportTo("...file path here...");

I don't like it myself. If I find some better way (if such exists at all) I'll update the answer.

Or if broken, see this instead

Solution 2:

You generate XML mappings by calling the ExportTo() method.

For example:

ISessionFactory sessionFactory = FluentNHibernate.Cfg.Fluently.Configure()
  .Mappings(m => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssembly(assembly)

See here for documentation: