What is type erasure in C++?

Solution 1:

Here's a very simple example of type erasure in action:

// Type erasure side of things

class TypeErasedHolder
  struct TypeKeeperBase
    virtual ~TypeKeeperBase() {}

  template <class ErasedType>
  struct TypeKeeper : TypeKeeperBase
    ErasedType storedObject;

    TypeKeeper(ErasedType&& object) : storedObject(std::move(object)) {}

  std::unique_ptr<TypeKeeperBase> held;

  template <class ErasedType>
  TypeErasedHolder(ErasedType objectToStore) : held(new TypeKeeper<ErasedType>(std::move(objectToStore)))

// Client code side of things

struct A
  ~A() { std::cout << "Destroyed an A\n"; }

struct B
  ~B() { std::cout << "Destroyed a B\n"; }

int main()
  TypeErasedHolder holders[] = { A(), A(), B(), A() };

[Live example]

As you can see, TypeErasedHolder can store objects of an arbitrary type, and destruct them correctly. The important point is that it does not impose any restrictions on the types supported(1): they don't have to derive from a common base, for example.

(1) Except for being movable, of course.