I want to have Chromium on my Windows machine, but I find only instructions how to make it from sources on official site.

Are there any official pre-built binaries?

Since the link to the snapshots seems to change more often then I can keep track off I recommend using this link Chromium AppSpot Download to download the latest binaries for each OS. It detects your OS and then offers the latest build automagically.

You can find snapshots of all the nightly builds of Chromium here:

Chromium Builds

Each OS has a folder and the latest version number is available under the Latest folder or just sort by date descending.

As stated by Diago, you can download binary releases via the chromium-browser-snapshots repository. Combine this with a quick check of which version_number you need at omahaproxy, and you get a nice direct link to your desired "stable release" without accessing the slow snapshot lister website.

http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-snapshots/index.html?path=Win/ + version_number + /

Don't forget the slash at the end. For example, the current "dev release", at the point of this writing is 113143, and can be found at: http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-snapshots/index.html?path=Win/113143/

I guess this was what you were looking for.

If you prefer to use only latest stable Chromium release (or latest good Chromium build, for Windows users), check this website: http://chromium.woolyss.com/ The site is auto-updated each day.

You can also find links to most recent builds here: http://getchromium.wasil.org/

This is my site, which I made after facing some frustration while looking for newest builds myself. Just wanted to help people like me :)

It dynamically generates links to newest builds every time you refresh.

BTW: those links go to original build repository mentioned by Diago, so this is merely a wrapper site which does not host any files by itself.

Hope it helps!

In the same way, you can use this website to get the latest stable version of Chromium for Windows, Android, Mac and Linux, from the official repository :


Simple, fast and efficient.