Chrome: Hide Extension Errors in JavaScript Console

I realize this is an older question, but there is a better way than systematically disabling all your extensions to find out which one is throwing an error.

Hover the mouse pointer over the file name for the error in the console. You'll see a long string of gobbledygook. Part of that is an id that is unique for each extension. Take a moment and memorize the first few characters, in the image below they are pmejh:

screenshot of extension error in Chrome dev tools

Then go to your installed extensions at chrome://extensions and hover over each details link looking for a URL in the bottom left of the window that contains the characters you memorized.

enter image description here

I know that this is an old question, but coming here today I found a new solution and decided to add my two cents.

In the Chrome console there is a gear option on the far right. Clicking on it will reveal a few options.

Make sure that you are showing only logs from top, and that Selected context only is selected.

This will hide all errors from extensions.


In case the error is coming from a chrome extension you don't want to disable, there's now a feature to filter messages from specific extensions or scripts. Find the console message, right click on it, go to Filter > Hide Messages from ______. The effect seems to persist for as long as you have that tab open.

chrome console filtering messages

Here is the way to identify the breaking extension directly. Nonetheless, this is not really the answer to the question. Well - the only way for now seems to be to disable the extension.

Three steps to identify broken extension

Best, Benedikt

Never did find an answer, but I did find the problem by shutting off each extension until I found the culprit.