Is there a more generic word for US-centrism?

Solution 1:

Ethnocentrism is “The tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of one's own culture.”

More politically, nationalism is “The support of one nation's interests to the exclusion of others” and chauvinism is “Excessive patriotism, eagerness for national superiority; jingoism,” or “Unwarranted bias, favoritism, or devotion to one's own particular group, cause, or idea.” Both chauvinism and jingoism have entertaining etymologies. :)

The term national bias is occasionally used (ice skating example, medical scholarship example).

Solution 2:

Your title and question body ask about different parts of speech. Your title asks about a noun, while your question body asks about adjectives. That confuses the matter, although both can be answered with similar words.



Now that term indicates promoting a certain country. If you simply mean the writing is neutral in tone but only of interest to people from that country, then that's national as in "national news."

Solution 3:

Parochial almost fits, or insular?

edit: sorry if my answer sounded offensive - I thought the poster was asking for a word for "country-centric" and was giving USA-centric as an example. I didn't mean that the US is parochial (although some bits are!)