English expression for "cold-natured" without emotional connotation? [duplicate]

I speak Persian, and in our language we have a word for a person who more often feels cold than warm (or reverse). The person tends to be cold even when others around them feel warm or when they experience higher temperatures. I was trying to find an English equivalent for this word, and I came across the expression "cold-natured" (and hot-natured as antonym). However, I think cold-natured can also mean cold-hearted or someone without soft emotions.

Any ideas?

Nesh adjective describes something as very weak and sensitive to cold. It is rarely used, so it might not be easily understood by the listener.

An alternative is perpetually cold. Or in simple terms "always cold".

A perpetually cold person is someone who feels cold while others don't; turns off the AC while others don't want to; stays home bundled in the warmest attire even for the slightest temperature drop outside.

You can guess what a perpetually warm person is, then.

This might not be a proper name for such a person, but it is popular on the internet.

Some interesting posts can be read here:

  1. 10 Times Perpetually Cold People Really Lose It During The Winter
  2. 12 Struggles of Dating Someone Who’s Perpetually Cold
  3. 13 Things Only Perpetually Cold People Will Understand

If this condition worsens, it is best to consult a doctor because there might be some serious underlying health issues.

Cold-natured does not mean 'feels colder than other people'.

It is only used to refer to their emotional and psychological makeup. Someone's 'nature' is their core being. (Incidentally 'hot-natured' and 'warm-natured' mean different things. A 'warm-natured' person is caring and sensitive. A 'hot-natured' person is impetuous and fiery.)

Phrases that indicate that someone feels cold all the time might include:

  • cold-blooded (which can also mean cold-natured). This is from comparison between 'warm-blooded animals (which can regulate their own body temperature) and cold-blooded ones (which can't)
  • cold-sensitive (or 'sensitive to cold')
  • feels the cold (thanks Chris H)

How about thin-blooded?

The colloquial term I would use to describe someone who always feels cold when everyone else finds the temperature to be comfortable is thin-blooded. WordReference Forums

People who are always cold are often said to have poor circulation.

Your core body temperature is 37 degrees celsius, maintained by burning food. Your blood flow takes this heat and distributes it to the rest of your body. hence good circulation = all of your body getting warm from blood that's been heated in your core; poor circulation = a cold body, and you'll feel the cold more easily.

The phrase is probably overused, and used in medically inaccurate situations, but I suggest that it is widely understood (in the UK at least) to mean "someone who is always cold".