Windows setup claims the installation source is not accessible. How do I fix this?

There could be 3 reasons for this error:

  1. Partition problem described in KB939727
  2. Problem with the media or the bad iso/Win 7 installation (burn using another device or using another software; don't use RW media). Use the genuine Windows 7 Ultimate
  3. You can try the following:

    • Boot into Windows 7 installer DVD
    • Select Repair your computer
    • Select the Command prompt in the Choose the recovery tool dialog
    • Type diskpart
    • Press Enter
    • Type list disk
    • Press Enter
    • Identify the number of your target HD
    • Type select disk 0 (assuming that your disk is 0)
    • Press Enter
    • Type clean
    • Press Enter
    • Type exit

Now your MBR is cleaned up and you should be able to install the Windows 7