Can I play WoW without buying the latest expansion? [duplicate]

Whether you enjoy it is up to you, but yes; it's perfectly possible to enjoy the game without owning all the expansions. Especially with a lot of old content revised, there should be plenty to do.

The game launcher will just patch the game for you automatically, including the latest expansion's data (afaik). Upon logging in, you'll be restricted to MoP content and level cap, though.

Low level content and new characters, there's definitely a lot to enjoy. However, at max level, I don't think there's a whole lot to enjoy. You may enjoy questing, exploration and limited achievement hunting, but in terms of PvE and PvP I think you'll find the community lacking - depending on your server, of course.

Yes, you can still play the game, but you will not have access to Warlords of Draenor content:

  • Your max level will be 90
  • You will not be able to enter Draenor (the WoD one, not Outland)
    • No garrison
    • No access to Ashran world PvP
  • You will not be able to play WoD raids or battlegrounds

You might find a guild of people who only play MoP content, but it's going to be a bit lonely on endgame. You can still do dailies, dungeons, raids, battlegrounds and arenas of all the prior expansions, though.