How to create Python egg file

You are reading the wrong documentation. You want this:

  1. Creating is covered in the distutils documentation in Python's standard library documentation here. The main difference (for python eggs) is you import setup from setuptools, not distutils.

  2. Yep. That should be right.

  3. I don't think so. pyc files can be version and platform dependent. You might be able to open the egg (they should just be zip files) and delete .py files leaving .pyc files, but it wouldn't be recommended.

  4. I'm not sure. That might be “Development Mode”. Or are you looking for some “py2exe” or “py2app” mode?

For #4, the closest thing to starting java with a jar file for your app is a new feature in Python 2.6, executable zip files and directories.


Where is a zip containing a file which is executed as the script file to be executed. Your package dependencies can also be included in the file:

You can also execute an egg, but the incantation is not as nice:

# Bourn Shell and derivatives (Linux/OSX/Unix)
PYTHONPATH=myapp.egg python -m myapp
rem Windows 
set PYTHONPATH=myapp.egg
python -m myapp

This puts the myapp.egg on the Python path and uses the -m argument to run a module. Your myapp.egg will likely look something like:


And python will run (you should check that __file__=='__main__' in your app for command line use).

Egg files are just zip files so you might be able to add to your egg with a zip tool and make it executable in python 2.6 and run it like python myapp.egg instead of the above incantation where the PYTHONPATH environment variable is set.

More information on executable zip files including how to make them directly executable with a shebang can be found on Michael Foord's blog post on the subject.

I think you should use python wheels for distribution instead of egg now.

Wheels are the new standard of python distribution and are intended to replace eggs. Support is offered in pip >= 1.4 and setuptools >= 0.8.