Is there a Profiler equivalent for MySql? [closed]

"Microsoft SQL Server Profiler is a graphical user interface to SQL Trace for monitoring an instance of the Database Engine or Analysis Services."

I find using SQL Server Profiler extremely useful during development, testing and when I am debugging database application problems. Does anybody know if there is an equivalent program for MySql?

Something cool that is in version 5.0.37 of the community server is MySQL's new profiler.

This may give you what info you are looking for.

Are you wanting to monitor performance, or just see which queries are executing? If the latter, you can configure MySQL to log all queries it's given. On a RedHat Linux box, you might add

log = /var/lib/mysql/query.log

to the [mysqld] section of /etc/my.cnf before restarting MySQL.

Remember that in a busy database scenario, those logs can grow quite large.