Can't mount any partition due to "/usb: Adding read ACL for uid 1000 to /media/evil' failed: Operation not supported" error

I've upgraded to Ubuntu 12.10 and now I can't mount any partition. I get the same error with all drives:

/usb: Adding read ACL for uid 1000 to /media/evil' failed: Operation not supported

Both of my USB drives are FAT32, one is a USB stick, the other is a GOPRO cam and both were working fine in 12.04.

Solution 1:

It is bad advice to use permission 777 on anything. Any user on the system gets read/write access to your files.

sudo mkdir /media/${USER}
sudo chown ${USER}.${USER} /media/${USER}
chmod 750 /media/${USER}

Solution 2:

In my case after upgraded to UBUNTU 12.10 my username in /media didn't exist, so I created it and problem SOLVED!