Is there a Chrome (browser) extension like FireFTP from Firefox? [closed]

Before you answer the question, you must know what FireFTP is!

  1. FireFTP is not like
  2. FireFTP is not like net2ftp or chromeftp

FireFTP doesn't need to access any external website, FireFTP, similarly to FileZilla, directly accesses your FTP Server using Firefox. FireFTP has 2 panels like Norton Commander.

In short, there is no app like FireFTP in Chrome! Sadly, but it's true at the moment I'm writing this.

NOTE: That's why many users still use Firefox because FireFTP is very helpful!!!

An alternative might be to use a 3rd party website such as

Again, not hugely exciting. Both the obvious looking "FTP" chrome extensions (Chrome FTP & FTP Client) are pretty poor, but you never know, YMMV.

I have put together a site using the net2ftp script that works pretty well. I put it behind and SSL so it is also secure.