Are there any advanced options for Google Chrome's history search?

Google Chrome's history search is somewhat … less powerful than I'd like it to be.

enter image description here


These are some annoyances I've found while trying to work with the Chrome search.

  • Searching for returns results from too.
  • Searching for does not work at all.
  • "phrase queries" seem to work fine, but they're not indicated.
  • Searching for returns 3 results, none of those actually from, whereas searching for hashify returns hundreds of URLs I visited on this site.

What I need:

  • Is there any way to specify advanced search options there?
  • Which operators or types of queries can I use to search in Google Chrome?
  • If not, can I use some other method to search my history more efficiently?

The Chrome help does not mention anything related.

Solution 1:

You can't with the built-in history, but maybe you could try an extension:

History 2

History 2 overrides default history page with a more user-friendly one. (Tools Menu > History or Ctrl-H)

History 2: A history page like the original but grouped by the host for easy viewing.

enter image description here

Better History

A better look at your browsing history. The best searching, the sharpest interface, and the most useful filters - for your history. It's Chrome History, only much Better.

enter image description here

EDIT: Another good extension you could try:

History Plus

  • Select date range easier: Today, Yesterday, Last Week, Last Month, All
  • Select max result number easier: 100, 250, 500, 1000
  • Delete history
  • Grouping same domain in the list
  • Show visit counts each url in the list

enter image description here

Solution 2:

Few days ago I got to know about History Timeline chrome extension. It overrides actual history page and shows you history as timeline with thumbnail which helps to search particular web page. You can even filter results, refine your search by giving time period etc.

History Timeline Screenshot

Solution 3:

After trying a lot of extensions, I would recommend one.
Ladies and Gentlemen, ... the winner is

(different) Better History

There is possibility to search using RegExp (Regular Expressions), which is the most powerful way for searching. E.g: /^h.*\/\/cz\./ searches for anything that:

  • ^h - begins with "h" (http, https)
  • .* - continues with anything
  • \/\/ - continues "//"; \ is used to escape the "/"
  • cz - continues with "cz"
  • \. - continues with "."; \ escapes otherwise special-meaning ., which stands for "any character you might think of"

Note: / in the beginning and end, just enables Regular Expression search.

Image of how the Regular Expressions search works within this Extension: Better History Chrome Extension showing searching using Regular Expressions