How to "undo" (revert) Ctrl+L in Nautilus?

I'm on 12.04 Desktop. When browsing the file system, it's convenient to type Ctrl+L so as to get the file path "Location" to render as a string; I can then modify the file path or even paste something in and get redirected right where I want to go.

But often, after typing Ctrl+L, I find myself wanting to revert back to the normal way Nautilus renders the file path (as a series of buttons/links). What's the magical shortcut to "undo" Ctrl+L and go back to "normal mode"? Thanks in advance!

Just press esc. Also make sure that location bar is focused while pressing esc.

Focus the address bar and hit Enter :)

You can also press Enter with the same or a different path.
It will change back to the normal button mode.