Word or expression for guys who slept with the same woman(prostitute)?

Embarrassingly, in Korean, there is a slang word for this kind of relationship between guys.

Might be translated as, "the husband of my wife's sister but only by the hole" ?

I don't know how can I call the husband of my wife's sister in English. Korean word is "Dong-suh 동서(同壻)". That is, Korean people don't say "Hank is the husband of Mr. White's wife's sister" but "Hank is the Mr. White's dong-suh".

With this kinship terminology, if some Korean guys found out that they have slept with the same woman (in many cases a prostitute or a professional), they might jokingly call each other "구멍(hole)동서(the husband of my wife's sister)". It has f-word level vulgarism.

Is there similar slang word/expression in English?


I forgot "brother-in-law". Original words is something like "brother-in-hole". In here, 'Hole' symbolizes the vagina. So I mentioned vulgarism.

The closest I can think of is fellow johns of (woman's name).

A john is a well-recognized slang for the client of a prostitute:

a man who pays money to a prostitute for sex (MW)

Eskimo Brothers

When two males acknowledge having been intimate with the same female and remain on good terms, the men are now bonded by having shared the same igloo at one time or another.

This can lead to perks by making the information known to other males who you can network with. Male 1: "Yea man, I got us a hook up at the show tonight, we don't have to pay cover"

Male 2: "Sweet, how'd you score that?"

Male 1: "Me and the door guy are eskimo brothers, remember that blonde girl from last weekend?"

from Urban Dictionary