How to stop being dead in hardcore minecraft [duplicate]

So I've been playing a lot of hardcore minecraft lately, it's fun to need to be careful. Unfortunately an out of game event occurred that needed my immediate attention, which lead to my death in game. I've still got the save file, but when I log in a see the "You are dead" screen:enter image description here

Not actually from me, just for explanation purposes.

I'm comfortable editing the files with NBTExplorer but I'm not sure which files to edit. I died in the nether, but I've managed thus far to move myself to my spawn points in the overworld and give myself 19 hp. But I'm still dead. Any advice? I'd like to keep the game in hardcore mode if possible!

Now that there's spectator mode, click that instead of delete world when you die. Once in spectator mode, open to LAN and type command /gamemode 0. You go back to hardcore survival.

You can actually get your world and all your items back by doing the following:

  1. click spectate world
  2. open the Game Menu
  3. click open to LAN
  4. click allow cheats ''ON''
  5. do /gamemode creative or /gamemode survival

Happy gaming.

Following is the method which I think is the best to do this using NBTExplorer (or whatever programs that allow you to edit NBT files. See here for the list).

  1. Back up your hardcore skyblock folder
  2. Make a second hardcore skyblock
  3. Load up the game, then exit
  4. Open both game saves in the NBT program (2 separate instances is fine)
  5. Replace any values on your failed skyblock (that are not inventory based) with those from the new skyblock - only the values in the folders marked "Player".
  6. Load up you 'failed' skyblock and continue your saga.
