Use of "would" when describing habits in present

My question pertains to one specific form of usage of "would". Is is inappropriate or even incorrect or, a fortiori, not understandable, if we use (read as: on utilise) "would" when referring to present habits, if we do not want to render a general statement, but rather a specific, concrete, to-one-person-relating one; when we would like to describe one´s typical approach or typical characteristic, one´s peculiarities.

Thank you! :)


(1) Here I think "would" is more appropriate. It is 8 a.m. My friend would (usually) get in a hurry when having overslept. vs. It is 8 a.m. My friend will (usually) get in a hurry when having overslept.

(2) Here I think "will" is more appropriate. Sun would (always) rise in the east. vs. Sun will (always) rise in the east.

Solution 1:

Will in both cases: It's 8 a.m.; what your friend will do is not yet in the past. The Sun continues to exist, and will rise in the East.