Chrome or Firefox extension that fixes Google search links [closed]

Is there any extension for a browser that allows you to change the structure of links in Google search, so that it doesn't look like this:

I want to copy the address of the result page so that when I right-click and copy the link address, I will only get something like this:

Solution 1:

This can be done with a GreaseMonkey script:

  • Install GreaseMonkey if you do not already have it
  • Install the Scrub Google Redirect Links userscript

Afterwards, you will be able to copy URLs directly from the Google search results.

If you are using Google Chrome and do not have (or want to install) Greasemonkey, you may follow these steps instead:

  • Visit Scrub Google Redirect Links. Click "Install" button. It will download the Javascript file to your computer.
  • In Chrome, open Tools -> Extensions. Drag and drop the file you downloaded in the previous step to complete installation.

Solution 2:

There is a new extension Google link fixer for Chrome/Chromium that does this.

It works by adding a pair of mousedown handlers and prevents the link from being hijacked. Thus it works no matter which way you click the link (either by left/right/middle). The other extension linked by CrazyPotato does not handle the middle click case properly.

Screenshot of the extension from the page