Hotkey to show/hide left-hand `treeview` of Windows Explorer

Currently to toggle the treeview on the left-hand side of Windows Explorer we can use: Organize - Layout - Navigation Pane as below screenshot.

I do this very very often and want to toggle quickly by a hotkey. Please share if you know how to. alt text

Solution 1:

Here is an AutoHotKey script. ⊞ Win + A toggles the navigation pane.


#SingleInstance, Force

#IfWinActive ahk_class CabinetWClass
Send !d{tab}{tab}{enter}ln

Solution 2:

This thread might be useful:
Keyboard shortcut to hide/show Explorer navigation

According to the thread, there are no hotkeys to hide/show the navigation pane, but you can use ALT-T, O to get most of the way there. Another poster suggests using a utility such as AutoHotkey to create a script that you can assign to a custom hotkey.

Solution 3:

I provide a solution for Windows 8 here.

In file browser, first press Alt(do not hold for combination key).
Then press V, and N.
Finally press Space.