Word/ phrase for satisfaction derived from helping others?

I am in search of a noun or concise, descriptive phrase for the satisfaction and joy one gets from helping others. I do a lot of community service and very much enjoy it, and I get an almost cathartic satisfaction from helping others. It seems to be a combination of empathetic joy, pride, and some sort of satisfaction from improving the general human or world condition. I know this is quite a lot, but does anyone have a good way to express this emotion or some part of it?

Thank you!


Solution 1:

Probably a great sense of fulfilment may fit the context you are describing:

  • satisfaction or a sense of having achieved potential or desires

  • achievement or realisation, as a prophecy or promise.

Source: TFD

Solution 2:

Neighbourly if Canadian UK or Australian etc. Neighborly if American.

Being helpful to another just for the sheer unselfish joy of being helpful to those that need a hand. Small gesture to outright projects or finacial help with no expectation or need of acknowledgement, payment or favour done in return.

The best kind of help. Selfless and just cause you can and need is there.