Get last result in interactive Python shell

In many symbolic math systems, such as Matlab or Mathematica, you can use a variable like Ans or % to retrieve the last computed value. Is there a similar facility in the Python shell?


>>> 5+5
>>> _
>>> _ + 5
>>> _

Just for the record, ipython takes this one step further and you can access every result with _ and its numeric value

In [1]: 10
Out[1]: 10

In [2]: 32
Out[2]: 32

In [3]: _
Out[3]: 32

In [4]: _1
Out[4]: 10

In [5]: _2
Out[5]: 32

In [6]: _1 + _2
Out[6]: 42

In [7]: _6
Out[7]: 42

And it is possible to edit ranges of lines with the %ed macro too:

In [1]: def foo():
   ...:     print "bar"

In [2]: foo()

In [3]: %ed 1-2

IPython allows you to go beyond the single underscore _ with double (__) and triple underscore (___), returning results of the second- and third-to-last commands.

Alternatively, you can also use Out[n], where n is the number of the input that generated the output:

In [64]: 1+1
Out[64]: 2


In [155]: Out[64] + 3
Out[155]: 5

For more info, see .