How to uninstall Anaconda completely from macOS

To remove the configs:

conda install anaconda-clean
anaconda-clean --yes

Once the configs are removed you can delete the anaconda install folder, which is usually under your home dir:

rm -rf ~/anaconda3

Also, the anaconda-clean --yes command creates a backup in your home directory of the format ~/.anaconda_backup/<timestamp>. Make sure to delete that one also.

EDIT (v5.2.0): Now if you want to clean all, you will also have to delete the two last lines added to your .bash_profile. They look like:

# added by Anaconda3 5.2.0 installer
export PATH="/Users/ody/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"

To uninstall Anaconda open a terminal window:

  1. Remove the entire anaconda installation directory:
rm -rf ~/anaconda
  1. Edit ~/.bash_profile and remove the anaconda directory from your PATH environment variable.

Note: You may need to edit .bashrc and/or .profile files instead of .bash_profile

  1. Remove the following hidden files and directories, which may have been created in the home directory:

    • .condarc
    • .conda
    • .continuum


rm -rf ~/.condarc ~/.conda ~/.continuum

In my case (Mac High Sierra) it was installed at ~/opt/anaconda3.

The following line doesn't work?

rm -rf ~/anaconda3 

You should know where your anaconda3(or anaconda1, anaconda2) is installed. So write

which anaconda


output: somewhere

Now use that somewhere and run:

rm -rf somewhere 

Open the terminal and remove your entire Anaconda directory, which will have a name such as “anaconda2” or “anaconda3”, by entering the following command: rm -rf ~/anaconda3. Then remove conda with command "conda uninstall"