"separated by", "separated with", or does it not matter?

In a passive construction with a participle like separated, by and with have different functions.

  • by marks an agent phrase: The fighters were finally separated by the referee.
  • with marks an instrumental phrase: The fighters were finally separated with a crowbar.

When you're talking about metaphoric separation -- item boundaries in a left-to-right line -- you have the option of treating the "separator" either as an agent itself, or as a tool (of another agent).

Interestingly, this is the same range of meanings as the agentive -er suffix:
a typewriter is an instrument, but a ghostwriter is a human, and therefore an agent.

  • The entries are separated by commas is the agent interpretation,
    a passive version of Commas separate the entries.

  • The entries were separated with commas is the instrument interpretation,
    a passive version of Indef separated the entries with commas.

Note the different tenses required above; being separated is either an event or a state. Permanent states normally take present tense (My car is red even though it's been red for 5 years). Events can be located on the time continuum, usually in the past tense. So past tense is likely to signal reference to an event, and present tense to a state.

Your use of with in this context is entirely appropriate.


  1. a. By the means or agency of. b. By the presence or use of. (AHDEL)

Some examples of such usage:

  • Items in lists are usually separated with commas... (Grammar Monster)
  • How to: Display an Item List Separated with Commas - MSDN
  • The nonessential adjective clause (like other nonessential elements) SHOULD be separated with commas. (Towson.edu)
  • Nonessential appositives are set off from the rest of the sentence with commas. (The Editor's Blog)
  • ...as many different addresses as you want as long as the addresses are separated with commas. (cmu.edu)

I think you can feel safe in doing so.